You've already read it a thousand times that today is water day, so I'm letting you in on a secret. During the first lockdown I learned an easy trick to get my brain back on the right frequency when I felt like I was going crazy from anxiety and looping thoughts. The "trick" is the magic word, which thanks to @ paolo.borzacchiello (who also knows the depths of the brain) I was able to make my own. Here, my magic word is WATER. When I'm nervous I stop and think of the water, I feel the lapping, the freshness, I see that undefined color and I calm down, as if by magic. That's why I decided to live there by the water. Salty and even better
Do you have a magic word?
#wordmagic #water #worldwaterday #sea #beautifulthings #lovethesea #saltwater #acquasalata